The Art & Science of Botanical Tincturing Workshop & Online Class Bundle

Uplevel your tincturing skills today!

Use this form to sign up for the in-person workshop / online class bundle. Study online and join us in person to learn how to evolve from "recipe based" crafting to "process based" medicine making, using affordable apothecary equipment & the seven factors that optimize botanical extraction. We'll practice menstruum math (with worksheets & the calculator) for both fresh and dried herbs, classical & power macerations, and several styles of percolation. You'll soon be offering your clients and customers more vibrant tinctures that truly embody the healing essences of your favorite herbs!

What you'll get when you sign up:

In-person Workshop at Elderberry's Farm in Paonia:   June 13-16, 2024

  • Workshop details & schedule on the Elderberry's Farm website. All your workshop handouts, worksheets, etc. are downloadable in the online class, Course Downloads section, and inside each Lesson
  • In the workshop, we'll meet together in the lab to practice the material introduced in the online class
  • We'll harvest fresh herbs from our organic garden to use in the fresh herb extractions
  • Experience includes free camping at Elderberry's! Limited onsite lodging also available.

Online Class: Access begins May 1, 2024

  • This in-depth, easy to access class includes 8 detailed lessons with ...
  • Engaging video from our herbal lab at Elderberry's, with demonstrations of important concepts & methods
  • High-quality audio files you can download & take with you to listen to on your devices
  • Detailed handouts that supplement & expand on the material in each video lesson 
  • Supplementary PDFs: Herbal Constituents Outline & Solubility of Constituents
  • Supplementary PDFs: Historical Botanical Pharmacy from the 1800s
  • An illustrated PowerPoint deck for visual learning
  • Fun self-assessment quizzes that help keep you on track
  • Two 90-minute recorded Q&A sessions with Lisa Ganora & Kat Martello
  • An active community forum where you can ask us your medicine making questions & connect with your fellow students
  • Lifetime access to all the class materials (& downloads to keep forever!)

Class & Workshop topics include:

  • Solubility & Extraction for Tinctures: basic principles to enhance quality & consistency; solubility of herbal constituents
  • Menstruum Math: how to dial in menstruum composition to match an herb (fresh or dried) & its constituents
  • Menstruum Math calculator: watch it do all the math for you! Calculates menstruum composition (ethanol % for fresh or dried herbs), extraction ratios, concentration & dilution equations
  • Principles & Practice of Maceration: from Wise Woman crafting to modern power maceration
  • Fresh Herb Tinctures: optimal practices for menstruum adjustment & extraction methods
  • Percolation - Michael Moore Method: classic 'Percolation for the People' with affordable kitchen tools
  • Historical & Modern Percolation Methods: level up with historical botanical pharmacy adaptations
  • Maceration - Rapid Vitamix Method: yes, you can make a great tincture in 20 minutes from fresh or dried herbs
  • Maceration - Magical Butter Machine & STX Infuzium programmable power methods for top-level tinctures

$450.00 USD

Would you like to add our Solubility & Extraction course for $97?

This course (the foundation of our Make Better Medicine series) goes into detail on the principles behind polarity and solubility, and the seven factors you can use to optimize your botanical extractions (including tinctures: hydroethanolic extracts) as well as other forms of herbal medicine.

  • Note: the checkout sequence is a little odd. If you decide to add the Solubility & Extraction course, you pay for the workshop first, then the additional payment option will pop up. Just check the little box below & keep going ... you'll see :>)